Famous People Who Filed Bankruptcy
If you're feeling alone or depressed because of financial problems, cheer up! You're in very good company. Below is a list of some of the famous people (including 5 U.S. Presidents) who have filed for bankruptcy or had severe financial problems. Please note that most of these folks had their great success and fame after their bankruptcies.

U.S. President

Radio Financial Advisor

Creator of Mickey Mouse

U.S. President




Rock Star, Founder of Fleetwood Mac

Rock Star

Circus Promoter

Founder of
Ford Motor Company

Rap Star

Actress and Star of
The Sopranos

Movie Star and mother of Carrie Fisher



Creator of Spider Man & The Incredible Hulk

Rock Star
American Football Player


Oscar-winning movie director/writer/producer

U.S. President

Country Music Star

U.S. President and General

American Football Player

Rock Star

Rock Star

"Real Housewives of New Jersey" Star


U.S. President
Whether you're famous on TV or just for your great cooking, should you find yourself in a real bind, or need more information, call my office at 301.924.4400 and let's talk about what we can do. We can help restructure your finances, schedule workout arrangements, or advise and represent you in bankruptcy.